Floralora Flowers is a small, sustainably run flower farm in beautiful Prince Edward County, Ontario.


Photo: Johnny CY Lam


As a cut flower farm, Floralora Flowers aims to grow interesting and unusual varieties of flowers and foliage. With thought and care from seed to our customers in Prince Edward County, our flowers are of the utmost quality and freshness. We use only organic and sustainable growing methods to help preserve the health of the ecosystem.

Our floral design studio focuses on creating arrangements with a natural, relaxed, garden-inspired aesthetic. Our aim is to use texture and colour, along with the natural elements of each season to create interesting and inspiring designs. Everything we create is inspired by nature and how flowers and plants grow, look, and behave in their natural habitat.

In its eleventh year, Floralora grows approximately 3 acres of annuals, perennials, shrubs, and vines at two farm locations. Our specialty cut flowers are mostly field grown or grown in one of our three high tunnels, used for season extension and growing more fragile blooms. We aim to bring customers fresh-cut blooms from April to November.

Owner and head flower girl, Sas Long has long dreamt of living surrounded by an ocean of flowers, nature, and beauty. In her goal to connect people with the beauty and awe of the natural world, she strives to grow unique varieties of flowers and present them in ways that reflect their perfect imperfections.